Home Forums Trusted Remove the space in Recent products in home page mobile view

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  • #4055

    I want fix the image in mobile view.


    Is it the space to right of the images in your screenshot that you want to remove?

    If so, it should not have that space there. The product images should either be full width or in two columns depending on the mobile screen size, with no space to the right.

    So I can see what is causing this, can you let me know the URL of your site please?


    Without seeing the site I cannot be sure, but possible causes could be a caching plugin, a third-party WooCommerce plugin, or custom CSS rules over-writing the theme.

    In any case, could you add the following CSS code to Additional CSS (or in your child theme stylesheet if you are using a child theme) and let me know if that fixes it:

    @media screen and (max-width: 480px){
        .woocommerce ul.products li.product, 
        .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product, 
        .woocommerce-page[class*=columns-] ul.products li.product, 
        .woocommerce[class*=columns-] ul.products li.product{
            width: auto !important;
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