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These are the standard widths in the WooCommerce stylesheet:

.woocommerce #content div.product div.images,
.woocommerce div.product div.images,
.woocommerce-page #content div.product div.images,
.woocommerce-page div.product div.images {
    width: 48%;

.woocommerce #content div.product div.summary,
.woocommerce div.product div.summary,
.woocommerce-page #content div.product div.summary,
.woocommerce-page div.product div.summary {
    width: 48%;

So you can see that two 48% widths *should* fit side-by-side. As you have made a lot of custom modifications it may be that something else is forcing some extra margin between them?

Try adding the above code to Additional CSS but change the width(s) to a lower value (46% or lower etc.) and see if that will bring the product summary back up to where it should be.