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To translate with using a plugin, there is a file named “trusted.pot” located in the “/languages/” folder of the theme.

Open this trusted.pot file on your computer using suitable language translation software such as Poedit.

Use the Poedit software to create the language files for your language. You can translate any of the theme’s text strings such as “Read More” and many others. Some of the text strings are visible only in the admin of your dashboard, and some such as “Read More” are visible on the front-end of the site, so you can translate only those that you need.

Save the new language translation files. This will generate two files to save e.g. for Spanish “es_ES.mo” and “es_ES.po” (the theme is already translated into Spanish, this is just an example).

Upload the saved .mo and .po files to the theme’s “/languages/” folder on your website (located at yourdomain/wp-content/themes/trusted-pro/languages/)

The Loco Translate plugin generates the language files and saves in the correct location, directly in your site admin so you only need to actually do the translation without all extra steps needed to do this manually without a plugin.