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You could try to force your own image sizes in a child theme.

To do this you would need to grab our Exoplanet Child Theme.

Install and activate the child theme, and then go to ‘Appearance’ > ‘Editor’ select the Exoplanet Child theme and add this code to the functions.php file and save by clicking ‘Update File’:

function exoplanet_setup() {
	add_image_size('exoplanet-shop-single', 500, 500, false );
	add_image_size('exoplanet-shop-archive', 200, 200, false );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'exoplanet_setup', 20 );

Change the sizes to whatever you need e.g. 500, 500, is 500 x 500 and false tells WP not to crop the images.