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  • #4653

    I am switching from WooCommerce to EDD.

    My problem is now that it shows the blog sidebar. Other than with regular pages or post types, there is no option to change the canvas so that I do not see how can get it to “fullscreen” and remove the blog-sidebar from my products.


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Pizza.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Pizza.

    The EDD products adds a body class of ‘single-download’ to the page HTML, so you could hide the sidebar on your digital products with this Additional CSS in the customizer:

    .single-download #primary {
        width: 100%;
    .single-download #secondary {
        display: none;

    Please note this will hide the sidebar from view, and it will still exist in the HTML markup of your product pages but it will be hidden from view.

    If you want to remove the sidebar completely from the product pages, it could be done with a plugin such as Widget Options to set the sidebar widgets to not be displayed on posts that are of the ‘download’ post_type.


    I don’t love both options very much, to be honest, and I have too many plugins installed as it is. The CSS option would leave my product seemingly disproportioned on the left?

    EDD is a popular online-commerce solution, perhaps it would be a good idea to prepare the otherwise awesome Trusted Pro for it?

    How about renaming templates?

    Could I just switch the name of the “default” template with the name of one without sidebar?

    Exoplanet Pro allowed to just change the layout, I liked that a lot.



    Also, I do still need the sidebar for my articles. The only place I know where to add CSS would change it for the whole site, as far as I am aware.


    “The CSS option would leave my product seemingly disproportioned on the left?”

    No, the first part:

    .single-download #primary {
        width: 100%;

    will make the main content area full-width (#primary is the content area and #secondary is the sidebar area)

    “Also, I do still need the sidebar for my articles. The only place I know where to add CSS would change it for the whole site, as far as I am aware.”

    Add the CSS in ‘Appearance’ > ‘Customize’ > ‘Additional CSS’.
    Yes it’s true it is site-wide but the .single-download part targets only the digital product pages, so the CSS will not take effect on any other pages or posts/articles.


    Thank you, I’ll try it

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