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  • #5724
    Phillip Allen

    I want to hide the excerpt on everywhere but homepage. When I hide what I find with CSS the excerpt size doesn’t shrink down.  Thoughts?

    See https://dev.globaldisciples.org/give/


    The correct way to do this is to leave the excerpt empty on those pages where you do not want to display an excerpt.

    I hope I have understood your question correctly. Please correct me if not.

    Phillip Allen

    I can’t leave it empty because I am using it as a featured section.


    So what would the CSS be to hide it and fix the sizing issue?


    OK, I don’t really understand why you would add an excerpt to a page and then hide it with CSS, but anyway here is the CSS code to hide the page excerpt – add this to Customize > Additional CSS:

    .main-excerpt {
        display: none;

    There shouldn’t be a sizing issue as the above CSS will make the excerpt area appear to be not there so it will have zero height and zero width.

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