Home Forums Trusted Pro page tabs working

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  • #7305
    Ashok reddy Goli

    i am using learnpress lms plugin. profile page which is default page by learnpress is not working correctly.tabs are not working in this page. i requested to learnpress plugin authors , he checked my website and told to ask theme authors. because its working with default themes. here i send a link of that page with user name and password.


    I have edited your post to removed the username and password. Please do not post sensitive information such as login details in the support forum. If you need to do so, please use the contact page instead.

    Could you please explain in more detail what the issue is?

    I can see the tabs on the profile page but no content to correspond with each tab, so I am unsure of what the tabs are supposed to do, or how they are supposed to work. Please provide some more info.

    Ashok reddy Goli

    Page contain some links.like courses,quizes,setting ets.this links are not working means not redirecting to the url. but if i paste the link urls directly it works fine. here i send the url . pls see it with login.





    pls solve it



    There is a conflict with our theme’s code for the homepage WooCommerce product tabs, which is causing this issue with the Learnpress profile tabs.

    We will update the theme with a fix very shortly.


    This issue has now been fixed in the latest version of theme.

    Please update Trusted Pro to version 1.5.9 and make sure to clear any caching to ensure the old code that was causing the conflict is not being loaded on page.

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