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    Hello! I updated the template , but the logos and pictures that I installed, disappeared! The theme now has default images! Why do I need to update the template ???



    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by jurus.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Andy. Reason: removed html markup

    The logo image and the header image are core WordPress settings, and are not Trusted or Trusted Pro theme settings.

    Some other themes sometimes remove these WordPress settings and replace them with their own, but none of our themes do this. All our themes make use of the core WordPress options for the logo and the header image and do not override or change them in any way.

    Did you update the core WordPress installation or anything else (plugins etc.) at the same time as you updated the theme?


    As you marked this topic as ‘Resolved’, please could you let me know if you now consider this issue to be resolved?


    I only updated the template. The background image and the main image on the main page disappeared. The rest I did not check. But I’m very upset because I paid for this template, and now I have to do the settings again.


    I can promise you that none of our themes will ever remove your logo and header image, or replace them with the default theme image.

    Once you have changed the default header image to your own image, the theme will never remove it. The theme does not have the functionality to do that, and we would never under any cirumstances whatsoever put anything in the theme that would do that.


    Why now there is no my picture ??? What did I pay money for?


    The theme DOES NOT control the settings for the logo, the header image or the background image.

    The logo, the header image and the background image are controlled by the core WordPress files.

    You can see this because the theme does not have Russian translation for the customizer options, and you can see that the customizer settings for the logo, the header image and the background image are in Russian language because the core WordPress installation does have Russian translation for the core logo, header image and background image settings.

    There must be something else that has removed your saved options for the images, because these settings are not controlled by the theme.

    To rule out a plugin conflict, please can you temporarily deactivate all plugins, then try to add a header or background image.

    If it works correctly, then reactivate plugins one at a time until the problem reappears. By doing this you will be able to see if it is a plugin that is causing this problem.



    Plugins are not to blame. I have now uploaded another photo and everything is ok, but I can not put much in the picture!

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by jurus.
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