Home Forums Trusted There is a code line at the uppermost part of the pages with Trusted theme


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    I noticed there is a code line at the uppermost part of all pages with Trusted theme. (Free version)

    I am using latest WP version (5.5) and PHP version 7,47.

    I checked this error with every browser I have, it appears every time. (Opera, Safari, Firefox, Edge)

    You can check this error at: http://www.serdarsari.com

    I couldn’t send screen capture with image uploading function here.

    Code line:

    .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}

    Thx for your consideration.



    It is not an issue with the theme. You have an error with your meta keywords, so it is not closed off correctly giving a invalid HTML.

    This issue is either due to a plugin that is not confirgured correctly, or maybe have you hardcoded the meta keywords and used the incorrect at the end, it should be "

    See screenshot where the invalid HTML is shown in red.


    Yes, I corrected that quotation mark error, and it worked.

    Thank you for your kind answer.

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