Thank you so much for this fantastic quick integration into the latest release!!
Superb service
Excellent news. In the basic WordPress WPBakery webpage builder its given as an option, so hopefully not to difficult for you to implement.
Hi, I’ve managed to get all that sorted, many thanks.
Is there a way for the Featured products to be selected randomly for display on the website, it currently just lists them in the order in which i selected them when adding them to the Featured section.
Hi Yazmin, Thats just perfect Thanks.
I sell tractors and implements, and I want to showcase them in the shop and allow people to select them with guide prices, but depending on where they are, what the order and quantities I can provide bespoke pricing and support. Any sales transaction would be done once this was agreed on. So although its a shop, its guide prices only. Is there a way for people to check out, for me to be notified what they selected, and then contact them for a chat and discuss pricing options etc?
Thanks Andy