Home Forums Trusted How To Show Social Icons T The Footer?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Andy.
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  • #7902

    Hello dude, I just came across this theme and I love it, However, I’ve been trying to publish the social icons as in the free demo see image https://prnt.sc/oyanm3, but I couldn’t see the position within Theme Widget area. Please, how can position my social icons there just it’s on the demo.


    Thanks so much for your support.


    You can create a menu for the footer and the social media URLs will be automatically displayed as an icon.

    For the Trusted theme it works in the same way as the Exoplanet theme, please see documentation here: https://uxlthemes.com/docs/exoplanet-theme/social-links-menu/

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