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to change all headings from H1 to H6 so that the underline are all the same size, add this in Customize > Additional CSS (change the width and height values to whatever size you want):

.entry-content h1:before,
.entry-content h2:before,
.entry-content h3:before,
.entry-content h4:before,
.entry-content h5:before,
.entry-content h6:before{
width: 30px;
height: 4px;

to use your own image use this css instead (change image-url to the URL of your image):

.entry-content h1:before,
.entry-content h2:before,
.entry-content h3:before,
.entry-content h4:before,
.entry-content h5:before,
.entry-content h6:before{
background-image: url("image-url");