Home Forums Trusted Pro Register link is (in my case) pointing to wrong page. Reply To: Register link is (in my case) pointing to wrong page.

Adri Oosterwijk

Thanks for the quick response.
I tried that before but that didn’t work. That was the reason for contacting you.

Still pointing to my-domain/my-account

The line looks like this now:

?></p><?php woocommerce_account_navigation(); } else { ?><p class="top-login-header"><span class="top-login-login"><?php echo $woo_account_login_title;?></span></p><?php woocommerce_login_form($woo_login_args);?><p class="top-login-footer"><span class="top-login-register"><a href="http://my-domain.dev/user-registration"> </a></span></p><?php } ?>

Any idea?
