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Hi, there are four different shades of yellow used in the safety color scheme.

By adding the following to Customize > Additional CSS and changing the colors will override the standard yellow colors

.top-logo a,
.top-tel:before {
    color: #ffd500;

.top-cta .btn {
    background-color: #ffd500;
.site-footer a,
.footer-widget .widget ul li a {
    color: #fddc32;
.slide-caption .heading1,
.site-footer a:hover,
.footer-widget .widget ul li a:hover,
#home-services .fa,
.testimonials .fa-fw,
.claremont-testimonial-list .fa-fw,
.claremont-testimonial-style1 .fa-fw,
.claremont-testimonial-style2 .fa-fw,
.claremont-testimonial-style3 .fa-fw { 
    color: #fdde00;

.slide-caption .button1 .btn { 
    background-color: #fdde00;

.home-widget-right .widget {
    background: #fdde00;
.error404 .content-area,
.pagination .page-numbers {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #e4cb19;

This will also override any specific colors that you may have changed for any of these individual elements in the color options.