Home Forums Trusted Call in action panel shows only on home page

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    Hello i am using trusted theme and i love it. I am using the shop page as my home page and call in action panel only works for homepage. Is there a way i can use the call in action panel everywhere? thanks for your amazing theme.



    The homepage sections – ‘Featured Services’, ‘About Section’, ‘Shop Tabs’, ‘Recent Posts’, and ‘Call-to-action Panel‘ – only display on the homepage.

    The ‘Shop’ page is considered a special archive by WooCommerce. What this means is that when you set a page as the WooCommerce ‘Shop’ page, it behaves differently than other normal pages. It becomes sort of like a master archive/category for all your product categories and products. This is just how WooCommerce works, and is outside the scope of the theme.

    The Trusted theme does have the ‘Shop Tabs’ section on the homepage, so you could set your ‘Shop’ page to a page that is not your homepage, and then on your homepage you can display products using either or all of the the shop tabs; ‘Recent’, ‘Featured’, ‘Sale’, ‘Top Selling’, and ‘Top Rated’.

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