Home Forums Trusted Pro Cart price displayed on the top header row is incorrect

  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andy.
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  • #11394
    Thi Brewer


    When items in the basked are discounted the price displayed next to the basket/cart icon on the header displays the full item price and not the discounted price. The price in the cart and mini cart are correct. The only place that it is wrong is directly on the header bar next to the basket/cart icon with the currency symbol.

    How can this be fixed as it confuses customers?


    The price next to the cart icon in the header should be the sale price if the item is discounted.

    Please take a look at our Trusted Pro demo and add a sale product to the cart. You will see the price in the header next to the cart icon will display the discounted price.

    If this is not working correctly on your website, please can you let me know the URL of a discounted product on your site, and I’ll be able to take a look. Thanks in advance.

    Thi Brewer

    Hi Andy,

    Please visit this product and if you add 2 to the basket then the price is reduced to £12.50 each.


    However the Header row shows the wrong price and is confusing the customers.

    We are using this plugin to manage the conditional discount:-

    Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce by ORION

    The pricing works everywhere else on the site, just not on the top bar.




    Hi Matthew, thanks I see the problem now.

    We’ll need to look into this and find out how the conditional discounts plugin works, and at which point in the WC cart process it changes the price.

    I’ll get back to you when I know more.

    In the meantime as a temporary solution, if you want to hide the price (the cart quantity will still be visible) so it’s not confusing for your customers, copy this CSS to ‘Customize’ > ‘Additional CSS’:

    .top-cart .cart-contents {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 45px;
        height: 45px;
        overflow: hidden;
    Thi Brewer


    I put that code in the Additional CSS section and published it, but the price still displays. Can you see what. I may have done wrong?



    You’re just missing the dot point in front of “top-cart”.

    So it should be .top-cart and you have top-cart, a minor error but it makes all the difference.

    Thi Brewer

    Perfect thanks.

    I thought it would be something simple like that and I didn’t spot it.

    It’s all hidden now thanks and less confusing to the customers.


    The latest version (1.7.2) is now available with this issue fixed.

    After updating the theme, you may need to clear your customer’s carts because WooCommerce caches active carts.
    You can do this in your dashboard at ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Status’ > ‘Tools’ tab, and “Clear customer sessions”.

    The price now also has it’s own span wrapper, so if you do still want to hide the price, use this CSS instead of the previous code:

    .top-cart .cart-contents .amount {
        display: none;
    Thi Brewer

    How do I install the update and do I need to download it from somewhere?

    Sorry, we’re new to WordPress.


    In your dashboard go to ‘Themes’ and click the ‘Update now’ for the Trusted Pro theme.

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