Home Forums Retail Pro cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds

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  • #10626
    Ioannis Fellas

    Hello, just installed yout Retail Pro theme, anything is ok but when try to activate it and only there when I press the menu Theme Licence appears that error :cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds

    How can I solve this?



    First thing to check is that you are running the very latest version of WordPress.

    Next, from your dashboard go to ‘Tools’ > ‘Site Health’ > ‘Status’ tab, and please let us know any issues marked as “critical”.

    And also in ‘Tools’ > ‘Site Health’ > ‘Info’ tab, let us know the information in the ‘Server’ section.

    Ioannis Fellas

    Hello, Iam sending you prtscreens as reply to yur email to see that everything is ok in site health.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Ioannis Fellas.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Andy.

    Thanks. In the “Info” tab, what are the server specifications under the “Server” toggle.

    Do you have a “coming soon”, “under construction” or “maintenance mode” type plugin active?


    I just noticed in the screenshots the “UnderConstruction” plugin that is active.

    Some of these under construction plugins can lock down WordPress.
    Can you please try disabling the under construction plugin and see if the theme license activation is now working.

    Ioannis Fellas

    Hello, I erase the plugin underconstrunction but problem still remain, check also server tab details.


    Thanks, the server info all looks okay.

    Can you please try one more time to activate the license key, and let me know if it works or not.

    Ioannis Fellas

    it is ok now thx a lot.

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