Home Forums Lorina Pro Menu problems


  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andy.
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  • #11565
    Melissa Alexander

    Hello! I am using Lorina Pro, and I’m having trouble with the menu at the top of my screen. The text is displaying in the same color as the background. If I click the menu, the word turns to white (and is readable), but the menu items in the drop down remain the same color as the drop-down itself.


    In the customizer (‘Customize’ > ‘Colors’) make sure that you haven’t set the ‘Header Text Color’ to be the same color as the ‘Color 1’ setting, or the ‘Header Background’ setting.

    If you are sure you have not made any of these colors the same, please let me know your website URL and I’ll take a look.

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