Home Forums Retail Pro Multiple issues on this theme

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  • #9222

    I purchased retail pro theme and I tried to contact you, send you already two emails and still no response.

    I have no idea whats going on.

    Lets say again my basic issue with your theme – retail pro – hero slider works on computer and tablet but it is not working on mobile.

    I hope you will offer support.

    Thank you,





    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Andy. Reason: moved from Retail to Retail Pro

    We replied to your email with help for all your questions and when we didn’t receive a reply we assumed that your questions had been answered to your satisfaction.

    Have you checked your email spam folder to make sure our messages haven’t ended up in there?


    My bad, seems the answer was in spam folder, thx a lot, I will take a look right now to your answers in email.

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