Home Forums Azuma Pro Offer Bar on Mobile

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  • #12157
    Chris Koeven

    Is it possible to make all or any of the offer bar items appear on mobile view?

    If not, is it possible to put a button under the menu/logo on the mobile view?



    To make the offer bar widget area appear on mobile, add either of these snippets of CSS to Customize > Additional CSS

    To display all on one line similar to how it appears on desktop, use this:

    @media (max-width:768px) {
        #site-usp .container {
            display: flex;

    or to display each item on separate lines, use this:

    @media (max-width:768px) {
        #site-usp .container {
            display: block;
    Chris Koeven

    That Worked.  Another related Question:

    Can I move the Offer bar to the bottom of the header image (not center) for desktop and mobile?

    Chris Koeven

    Inspecting the format, it looks like that wont be possible, but if I am wrong, Let me know


    That won’t be possible without changing the theme’s template files to remove the offers bar from the masthead and put it into the header image section.

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