Home Forums Trusted Pro Remove/Hide $page_title_icon from all pages

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  • #3331


    I want to remove all $page_title_icon from all pages that goes over the header image..

    In the screen shot https://prnt.sc/hwzsjv it’s the text in White over the Orange-brown rectangle “welcome to trusted pro”, that I would like to hide.

    Site Image

    before I got the Pro theme.. I just went in the theme/trusted/functions/extra.php file,
    Commented lines 593
    /* the_title( ‘<h2 class=”main-title fadeInDown”><i class=”‘ . $page_title_icon . ‘”></i>’, ‘</h2>’ );*/
    and lines 578, two below, 593 and 636 …


    Question 1) Is there a setting somewhere to get all these hidden without toying in the code like that?
    Question 2) I’m using the Child of the Pro version.. how do I do that change the right way?




    Hello Pascal

    there is a setting for this in the page editor, make sure to check the box next to ‘Do not show Title and Excerpt in header’


    Worked! Super! That Pro version really has loads of features! 🙂



    I made the title icons invisible on all pages:
    customizer > theme options > page title icon > none
    It worked perfectly. The icons have disappeared on all pages. On the contact page, however,  I suddenly see this icon (since today)

    <svg class="svg-inline–fa fa-not-a-real-icon fa-w-16″ aria-hidden="true" data-prefix="fa" data-icon="not-a-real-icon" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512″ data-fa-i2svg="">

    By making the icon transparent, it is invisible.

    svg.svg-inline--fa.fa-not-a-real-icon.fa-w-16 {
    color: #ffffff00;

    But this is not the right method.

    I like to hear how I can solve this in the right way

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Andy.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Andy. Reason: added code tags around code text

    The <svg class="svg-inline–fa code is not part of our theme. Could you let me know your site URL please? I should then be able to take a look and see if it is something else (e.g. a third-party plugin) that is adding this code & icon. Thanks in advance.


    Instead of changing the color of the icon, you could try setting it to not display by adding the following to ‘Additional CSS’ in the customizer

    `svg.svg-inline–fa.fa-not-a-real-icon.fa-w-16 {
    display: none;


    Hi Andy,

    Thank you so much! This is the right way:

    svg.svg-inline–fa.fa-not-a-real-icon.fa-w-16 {
    display: none;


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