Home Forums Trusted Pro Trying to make the background of my pages static

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    Firstly, I would like to say that I greatly enjoy this theme. I couldn’t find anything close to the customization that this offered here.

    Onto my problem. I am trying to make my header image and background behind the content on my pages static. When I scroll down, it appears that the background and the header slightly move independent of the other containers (written content, widgets, etc). With the original format of my site this worked, but now I am having spacing issues with the body of the content and featured-posts.

    In an effort to be as clear as possible, I would like the image and background to remain static like “traditional” websites. I am wondering if there is a quick css fix for this. I hope that I have offered enough information. If you need anymore info, please let me know.

    Again, fantastic theme.


    Hi Ryan, thank you for the kind words and glad you are enjoying the theme.

    To remove the header image scrolling effect so that it will scroll the same as the rest of the content, add this css in ‘Additional CSS’ in the customizer:

    transform: translateY(0) !important;

    I can honestly say that I couldn’t have done this without your help. I am not that far along in website building. It worked like a charm. Thank you so much!

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