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Good morning Andy

I think I discovered the cause of the serialization of my fields from post tables (post_content) and options (options_value).
There are some characters that I put in the theme customization. Then when unserializing the unrecognized characters.
Examples: The lamp and the sun in this link (www.soamigo.com.br)
(S: 17: “slider2_subtitle4”; s: 137: “? Here the friends will report their places to complete the list of 1001 places that we should know before they die.”;)

Another example that is not active on the site
(S: 9: “faq_text1”; s: 328: “FAQ is an acronym for the English expression Frequently Asked Questions, which can be translated as ‘Frequently Asked Questions.’ An FAQ, when used in a pluralistic context, When used in a singular context, will be one of those frequently asked questions.

After I serialized the options_value field the backup is working normally only with problem in the post_content field. But this is not affecting me now.

The launch (www.soamigo.com.br) will leave today (01/05/17) thanks to God.

Andy I am sending to your email.

The content of the three fields that will give serialization a problem, so you can see a way to help your users.

But once, thank you very much.