Home Forums Trusted Pro Do you receive some support from UXL Themes?

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  • #14085
    Anne Robichon

    Hi Guys,

    I would like to know if UXL Themes reply to your message when you contact them?

    They seem to rely on us to help each other.

    Information is all other the place (if lucky we will find what we need on one of the topics but we have to go tothrough all pages one by one) and I haven’t found any clear instructions.

    Did you manage to set the a website with the theme you bought or used another themes offered by wordpress with a lot of tutorials?








    Hi Anne

    I have personally replied to all of your messages and emails and hopefully I was able to answer your questions to your satisfaction.

    I am yet to receive a single reply back from you. Is it possible my emails have gone to your spam folder?


    To answer your question about tutorials, we did used to have extensive tutorials for our first few themes, but we found that hardly anyone was looking at the tutorial pages, and we would receive lots of questions from people asking the very same queries that were in the tutorials.

    It seemed to be not worth creating extensive tutorials when nobody was reading them, so now we endeavour to answer any questions via this support forum or via email for the pro customers.


    The answer to your other question “Remove the footer ‘powered by’ and UXL Themes credit” can also be found in our documentation which is in the menu at the top of this site.

    Open the ‘Theme Options‘ tab and under the ‘Removing/Changing Theme Footer Info‘ you will see the tutorial showing how to replace the footer copyright/theme information.


    Hello Anne, did this answer your question to your satisfaction?

    Anne Robichon

    Hi Andy,


    I guess the people who don’t need the tutorials are the people who are used to use your themes.

    I like to have a step by step tutorials.

    My website starts to look ok but I spent a lot of time doing trials and errors and it is not the way I wanted to do.

    When I have an issue, I usually do a search on google and find the answer straight away most of the time.

    But because you reply here, I will contact you there.


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