Home Forums Trusted Pro Masonry at shop page.

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  • #2654
    Adri Oosterwijk


    One of the reasons I bought your Trusted Pro theme was the ability to show the archives in a masonry fashion. In my former design (a twentytwelve child theme) I had managed to show the products in a masonry lay-out.

    I was hoping that this was also possible in the Trusted Pro theme but somehow I’m not able to implement it. How can I achieve this?

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best wishes,


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Andy. Reason: moved from Trusted to Trusted Pro

    Hi Adri

    I’ll look into adding it as an option for the shop archives also.

    Will let you know ASAP if we can do this.

    Adri Oosterwijk

    That would be great. Thank you!



    Good news! We will add this option to the next update which is due to be released by the end of this week as we are just testing some more upgraded functions as well. It makes sense to test and release them all together.

    Adri Oosterwijk

    Hi Andy,

    That is really good news and so quick…..

    I am really impressed.

    Looking forward to it.

    Keep up the excellent work.




    Version 1.1 now has masonry layout option for WooCommerce product archives.

    The setting can be turned on or off in the ‘Shop Settings’ section of the customizer.

    Adri Oosterwijk

    Hi Andy,

    That’s looking great. Thanks for the very quick implementation.

    However, while the settings are 4 products a row, it is displaying 3 products. At least in my case.

    What am I missing here?



    Is it possible that you may have previously added some custom css which is overriding the theme stylesheet?

    It looks like you have license activated on a local dev so cannot check the live site from my end.


    Sorry forgot to say that it is possible your browser has cached the old version’s stylesheet. The new version has extra formatting to work with the masonry layout.

    Can you try opening your site in a new private/incognito window, or clear your browser cache, or logout of your WP admin close the browser and login again.

    Adri Oosterwijk

    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for all your help. Clearing the caches did the trick. Silly me. I could have think of it myself as I know that sometimes the styles are not  refreshed just by reloading the page.

    I did noticed however that the masonry is not invoked at the home page when the option is ticked to show the most recent products. I trust you have a good reason for it but at my end it looks a bit silly as I’m developing a stockphoto site. Therefor the product images are portrait or landscape and taking up different spaces.

    Ok, maybe in a next release.

    Thanks again and best wishes,


    Adri Oosterwijk

    The option for showing the latest additions in a masonry fasion on the home page is there. I just did not saw it. I marked this as resolved.

    Best Regards,


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