Home Forums Exoplanet How to add Copyright statement to the Exoplanet Footer

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    I’d like to add a standard copyright statement to the Footer of the Exoplanet theme that I’m using for my website.  Can’t find a way of doing this.  Would prefer not to use Widgets as that would leave an empty black space at the foot of the screen.  Please can you advise?

    Many thanks for the help.


    Hello Fred,

    Exoplanet Pro has the option to replace “Powered by WordPress | Theme: Exoplanet by UXL Themes” in the lower footer with your own text/content.

    Should you not wish to purchase Exoplanet Pro, the free version of Exoplanet has a widgetized area ‘Middle Footer’ where you can add any of your available widgets (‘Text’, ‘Custom HTML’ etc) with your own copyright statement. This ‘Middle Footer’ is displayed horizontally between the 4 footer columns widget areas and the lower footer area and it will not leave an empty black space at the foot of the screen.

    Hope this helps.


    Thank you for your reply, Yasmin, it was very helpful.

    Using the widget ‘Middle Footer’ has the Copyright statement displayed above the actual footer area but by making the background color the same, it looks ok – just a wide band at the foot of the display.

    Thanks again….

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