Home Forums Azuma How to remove top slider and featured pages links completely

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  • #8563

    How do i do this?



    I guess it is called “primary navigation”  How can I remove this?


    The primary navigation is the main menu in the header. Is this what you want to remove?

    You mention “top slider” and “featured page links” also, so assuming you mean the large image that contains the page/post title, this can be changed to a more traditional layout without the large image. For this setting go to Appearance > Customize > Layout Options and in the ‘Page Title Layout‘ setting there are two options to choose from. So, you would need to select the 2nd option.

    For the featured page links, this is not enabled by default, so you will already have enabled this. To remove it simply toggle it off in the setting at Appearance > Customize > Homepage Sections and uncheck the ‘Featured Services‘ option.

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