Home Forums Exoplanet Pro Section Title Fonts

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Andy.
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  • #5115
    Samantha Grove

    I’m having trouble finding where I can assign the font for the section title of the featured services section as well as the frequently asked questions section. They seem to be the only two places that are inconsistent with what I have set in my typography settings. Any help is appreciated!


    Hi, can you please confirm that you have changed the font for the headings in the ‘Customize’ > ‘Typography’ > ‘Headings’ option?

    If so, which font have you selected?

    Samantha Grove

    Yes. I have it set to Josefin Sans and published. It seems to be working on all other headings besides these specific section titles.


    It seems that this option was not fully updating correctly to use the correct font for these two headings. Apologies for this error.

    Please update to version 1.5.4 of Exoplanet Pro for the fix for this issue.

    The easiest way to update our premium themes is by activating your theme license, which then allows you to update the theme with one click from within your site’s dashboard.

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