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  • in reply to: Change post count on front page #1945

    Glad you found the setting.

    For any other users who may need an answer to the same question, it is worth mentioning that the number of posts per page is a core WordPress setting independent of the theme.

    Settings > Reading: Blog pages show at most 10 posts.

    10 can be changed to your own preference.

    in reply to: Youtube not show on home page #1937

    Hi, this theme uses the WordPress excerpt function to display a short excerpt of each post on the blog page and blog archives, with the full content displayed on the single post. We feel this is better from a design point of view and is arguably better for SEO purposes as it goes some way to avoid duplicate content.

    The excerpt function strips out code from the post content including youtube iframe code, so this is why the video will only display on the single post.

    Hope this information helps. If you need to show the full post content when viewing lists of posts, you may be better to look at another theme such as Twenty Seventeen or Twenty Sixteen.

    in reply to: Header Image #1929

    Hi, the image is not being ‘cropped’ as such, the left and right are still there, just hidden from view as the CSS setting is to cover the header area, so when you have a smaller screen it will fully cover the height of the header area also, without stretching the image.

    You could try different CSS for the background size, such as:

    background-size: 100% 100%;

    Using 100% will make the image width or height 100% of the header size.
    The first value is the width and the second value is the height and you can use pixel values or % e.g. 600px 90%

    If you want it to only apply to mobile devices, wrap the code like so:

    @media screen and (max-width: 768px){
        background-size: 100% 100%;

    This will only apply when the screen width is less than 768px for example.

    Add custom CSS code in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS

    in reply to: Widget side bar menus #1928

    Hi Keith

    It shoule be possible with a plugin such as Dynamic Widgets or Widget Options to choose which pages to display specific widgets on.

    in reply to: Blue underscore line in body section when building pages #1816

    Pleased to announce that the latest version 1.1.7 now has the option to disable the headings underline style.

    The setting for this can be found in Appearance > Customize > Theme Options, where there is a checkbox next to ‘Disable Headings Underline’

    in reply to: Blue underscore line in body section when building pages #1814

    Hi Ron, the headings underline is part of the design of the Trusted theme and it takes the color of the Primary Color setting. See the attached image below.

    Trusted content heading style

    The next update of the theme will have an option to remove this styling, but if you need to remove it now, add this in Customize > Additional CSS:

    .entry-content h1:before, .entry-content h2:before, .entry-content h3:before, .entry-content h4:before, .entry-content h5:before, .entry-content h6:before,
    .entry-content h1:after, .entry-content h2:after, .entry-content h3:after, .entry-content h4:after, .entry-content h5:after, .entry-content h6:after {
    display: none;
    in reply to: Image resizing: fit to grid without hard crop (Exo / Woo) #1799

    You could try to force your own image sizes in a child theme.

    To do this you would need to grab our Exoplanet Child Theme.

    Install and activate the child theme, and then go to ‘Appearance’ > ‘Editor’ select the Exoplanet Child theme and add this code to the functions.php file and save by clicking ‘Update File’:

    function exoplanet_setup() {
    	add_image_size('exoplanet-shop-single', 500, 500, false );
    	add_image_size('exoplanet-shop-archive', 200, 200, false );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'exoplanet_setup', 20 );

    Change the sizes to whatever you need e.g. 500, 500, is 500 x 500 and false tells WP not to crop the images.

    in reply to: Image resizing: fit to grid without hard crop (Exo / Woo) #1798

    Are you using a child theme?

    in reply to: Image resizing: fit to grid without hard crop (Exo / Woo) #1791


    In the ‘Product images’ settings WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display what are your current settings for these options?

    • Catalog images
    • Single product images
    in reply to: Posts page aligment #1782

    Hi, similar to the blog page, add this CSS:

    .search #primary{width:100%;float:none;}

    in reply to: different highlight color in header menu? #1716

    Hi, for the header menu hover color, add this in Customize > Additional CSS (changing the default color #b50b52 to your color choice)

    .main-navigation a:hover,
    .main-navigation .current_page_item > a,
    .main-navigation .current-menu-item > a,
    .main-navigation .current_page_ancestor > a {
        color: #b50b52;
    .menu > ul > li > a:hover:before,
    .menu > ul > li.current_page_item > a:before,
    .menu > ul > li.current-menu-item > a:before {
        background: #b50b52;

    The ‘color’ variable is for the hover (and active/current page) text color, whereas the ‘background’ is the color of the block line above the menu items.

    in reply to: Adust Width of Caption in Home Page Slider #1661

    Hi John

    There is an extra line missing from the above, sorry about that.

    It should be:

    .slide-caption {
    width: 650px;
    margin-left: -325px;

    where the margin-left value is negative half of the width value e.g.

    .slide-caption {
    width: 800px;
    margin-left: -400px;
    in reply to: php to sliders #1635

    Glad you have found a solution.

    I would recommend that you do not modify the extras.php file directly, as your modifications will be undone if you update the theme, and you would then have to add your modification again every time the theme is updated.

    A safer way to modify any of the theme functions, is to add your modifications to a child theme so that it will not be overwritten at parent theme update.

    Any of the theme functions which begin with if( !function_exists( can be overridden in a child theme.

    For example the function that you are modifying is the exoplanet_page_hero function which begins at line 401 of extras.php with:

    if( !function_exists('exoplanet_page_hero') ){
    function exoplanet_page_hero(){

    You can copy the whole of the function from line 402 to line 576 to the functions.php file of a child theme, including the addition of your modified code
    starts at line 402: function exoplanet_page_hero(){
    ends at line 576: }

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Andy.
    in reply to: php to sliders #1633

    Hi, the functionality you you describe is beyond the scope of minor modifications and beyond our support policy.

    It would require quite a lot of custom coding and testing, and an option would maybe find a reputable freelance coder/developer on Upwork for this kind of custom service.

    in reply to: Increase size of site logo #1600

    Sorry about that Gavin, my mistake. The code should be:

    function exoplanet_setup() {
    	add_theme_support('custom-logo', array(
    	'width' => '400',
    	'height' => '150',
    	) );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'exoplanet_setup' );
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