Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi Jo
To display an image for a post when on the blog index page or blog archives, you should set an image as the post’s ‘Featured Image’ – by default on the right-hand side below the Categories and Tags area of the post editor.
Any images within the post’s content are stripped out on the blog index and archives.
Without getting too technical, the theme uses the core WordPress excerpt function to display a snippet of the post content. This function strips out images from the post content.
So, on your blog index or archive pages the theme will display post excerpt if a manually added excerpt exists along with the featured image if this exists, if no excerpt then it displays a short intro from the post content along with the featured image if there is a featured image set for that post.
Some themes just display all of the post’s content on the blog index as well as on the single post’s page, so you would have to scroll through all of each post’s content before seeing the headline/title/featured image of the next post in the list.
We made the Exoplanet theme this way as we feel that it is better for SEO and readability purposes to display a short intro on the blog index and then the full content only on the single post’s page. It also gives you more control over which posts to display an image for on the blog index.
KeymasterThe Exoplanet theme does have arrows for next and previous image. See our demo to see it in action.
In your site’s source code there is this code
added to the product gallery images, which is not present in the Exoplanet theme.So, it looks like you have a plugin installed which is overriding the product gallery lightbox functionality.
Could you disable that plugin please and let us know if it fixes your issue.
KeymasterHave you looked into using a plugin such as Page Builder by SiteOrigin or Page Builder: Live Composer?
KeymasterLike in the theme preview screenshot?
We created that using the WordPress gallery shortcode
to display those images.e.g. add shortcode in your page, where the ids are the IDs of the images you want to display
[gallery size="large" link="none" ids="1851,1852,1847"]
if you wanted 4 columns it would be something like
[gallery columns="4" size="large" link="none" ids="1851,1852,1847,1848"]
KeymasterAppearance > Widgets
You will see Footer Columns #1, #2, #3 and #4
Drag and drop any of your available widgets into the footer column(s)
KeymasterIf you just want to hide it, add this in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.woocommerce .woocommerce-ordering, .woocommerce-page .woocommerce-ordering { display: none; }
This will not remove the product sorting dropdown box, it will only hide it from view.
KeymasterThis function is handled by the WooCommerce plugin and not by the theme.
It is not recommended to remove folders or coding directly from the WooCommerce plugin as there are regular WooCommerce updates and your changes would be undone when the plugin is updated.
Plugins which may do what you need: you could ask in the WooCommerce support forum:
KeymasterLook in extras.php – line 73
<?php for ($i=1; $i < 4; $i++) {
change the 4 to the same number as you changed in the customizer.
If you’re not already doing so, it is recommended to make your changes in a child theme so that your changes are not undone if you update the theme.
KeymasterAre you using our Exoplanet Child theme from here: This works correctly. It has a functions.php file which correctly enqueues the parent and child stylesheets.
It is not the child theme file name which is important. The important part is that the parent theme template is correctly defined in the child theme’s stylesheet (style.css).
For example, you could create your own child theme for Exoplanet and name it “Seagull Twenty Two” with a directory name of “seagull-twenty-two” if you wanted to. To work as a child theme of Exoplanet, you would create the child theme style.css file with something like this:
/* Theme Name: Seagull Twenty Two Theme URI: Author: Author URI: Description: Template: exoplanet Text Domain: seagull-twenty-two */
The “Template: exoplanet” part is the important bit that tells WordPress which theme is the parent.
KeymasterDo you have any custom css in the Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS setting?
If so, you will need to copy it from ‘Custom CSS’ and paste into ‘Additional CSS’
see the sticky post:
KeymasterThe Meteor Slides plugin does not support video, but the top left widget area of the Claremont theme will accept any content you wish, so if you can find a plugin which supports video content, it should work in the widget area.
KeymasterThis is a WooCommerce setting.
WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display >> “Default Product Sorting”
KeymasterThe hamburger menu only appears on tablet and mobile, or desktop/laptop if you shrink your browser window to less than 1024px wide.
There is nothing in the update which would make your top menu go away.
KeymasterDo you have “Post Type Switcher” plugin activated?
This is the same issue you are seeing: and it seems that plugin was causing it.
I’m pretty sure it’s not the theme causing this, it is most likely a plugin conflicting with core WordPress functionality or another plugin.
Could you de-activate your acitve plugins one at a time and see if the problem goes away?