Forum Replies Created
KeymasterRegarding the product gallery slideshow. The WooSwipe WooCommerce Gallery plugin makes the thumbnails into a slideshow with left & right icons so that you can flip through the images.
I have just tested it and it works with the Azuma Pro and Azuma themes without any issues.
1. The theme design works so that when you click a thumbnail image it is displayed in the large image area above the thumbnails.
Or clicking the zoom icon brings up the image gallery slideshow so you can flip through the images.2. There is no icon below the product. Could you please explain further which icon you mean and what you want to change it to? Do you mean the add-to-cart button?
January 7, 2020 at 8:42 am in reply to: How can I remove ‘Share this:’ and ‘Like this’ section out of the theme? #8925Andy
KeymasterThe items you mention are not part of the Azuma theme.
It sounds like you have a social sharing plugin installed.
You will need to deactivate the relevant plugin or look in the plugin settings to remove the share/like buttons.Andy
KeymasterAdd this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.container { max-width: 100%; }
KeymasterThe theme is only supposed to display the excerpt if a manual excerpt has been written for the particular page/post. If the excerpt is empty, there is no excerpt to display so an excerpt should not appear.
From what you have said, it sounds like you have a plugin that is automatically generating excerpts from the full content of all your pages, and then the theme “sees” this as a manually added excerpt and thus displays it.
It would be a big help if you please let me know what plugins are active on your site, so that we can look into this and update the theme to stop this from happening.
Thanks in advance.
January 2, 2020 at 6:52 pm in reply to: How do I install the Azuma Pro upgrade? I purchased it and it is downloaded #8868Andy
Did you follow the instructions I sent over in my previous replies to your emails?
- In your website’s WordPress Dashboard, go to ‘Appearance’ > ‘Themes’ and click the ‘Add New’ button.
- Click ‘Upload Theme’ and ‘Choose File’, then select the Azuma Pro theme’s .zip file. Click ‘Install Now’.
- Click ‘Activate’ to use the Azuma Pro theme right away.
KeymasterIt is the long(ish) site title without any spaces that is the issue. It is not wrapping as it should and forcing the mobile menu icon off the right of the page.
If you use a logo image instead it will work correctly.
Of course we realise not everyone wants to use a logo and we are aware of this and will fix it in the next update.
December 28, 2019 at 10:33 am in reply to: How can I change the colour of meta data in comments? #8812Andy
KeymasterThe date+time, edit and reply text in the comment meta data are links so this custom CSS will change the color:
.comment-list a { color: #404040; }
and if you also want to change the color on hover, use this too:
.comment-list a:hover { color: #00bc96; }
KeymasterThank you for letting us know about this. The translation will be corrected in the next update.
KeymasterAdd this CSS code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
#grid-loop article .post-thumbnail { max-height: 200px; overflow: hidden; }
change 200px to any value you think looks right for your site.
KeymasterThe visible on-page header is not the right place to add google analytics code. It should be added to the html
which is very different to the header containing the site title, menu, header image etc.The correct way is to use a plugin to add google analytics code. I can recommend MonsterInsights as this is what we use here on our own site.
Hope this helps.
December 20, 2019 at 6:20 pm in reply to: How to change font color and of background color of footer.entry-footer class #8743Andy
Keymaster.single .entry-footer { background: #2d364c; color: #fff; } .single .entry-footer a { color: #fff; }
change the hex color values to the color you want.
KeymasterThere is no demo content with the Retail theme.
Themes that are available from (including Retail) are no longer allowed to bundle demo content files with the theme.
If you are using a demo import plugin to import content, the authors of the plugin may be able to help with issues with their plugin.
KeymasterThe masthead is made up of 3 columns: 1. the logo & tagline – 2. the primary menu – 3. the search/account/cart section
This is the default CSS that determines the width of the 3 columns:
#masthead > .container { grid-template-columns: minmax(auto,300px) auto auto; }
You could add Additional CSS such as this:
#masthead > .container { grid-template-columns: auto auto auto; }
If you have a lot of menu items in the primary menu you may need to experiment with the widths to get it how you like.
December 9, 2019 at 6:23 pm in reply to: First line of text from whatever page I’m on… added EVERYWHERE on my site. #8584Andy
KeymasterI should also say that when I view your site, there are no excerpts at all displayed for the featured pages section on the homepage. The related posts section is also missing completely so I’m wondering if you have fixed the issue or made some more modifications to the theme to remove these?